
I cannot believe my “twinadoes” are turning 6 already! The time has really gone by quick! This year instead of throwing them a big party we decided to treat them to a week long vacation. Smack dab in the middle of all that planning and packing, the first wiggly tooth arrived! My kids have been waiting for this moment their whole lives. All they can focus on is the magic! All I can focus on is the pressure to make magic.

I see so many moms on Facebook handing out $5 bills for one little tooth, or buying a pile of presents and throwing about pixie dust to celebrate. There are even apps that allow you to snap a pic of the tooth fairy hovering over your sleeping child. I am all for magic, but all of that just seems like too much for me to invest in. I’m not judging these other parents for their efforts, I just know it isn’t my style.

Thankfully, both of my kids believe with their whole heart the only thing the tooth fairy brings is a bag full of coins. Well, all chocolate coins and one real gold coin. I do not know where they heard this information but I am totally cool with it. To make it more “magical” I created these quick little bags to take with us on vacation should her first tooth fall out. Which it did. She almost lost it in the swimming pool. That story alone is worth more than the magic she’ll remember about losing her first tooth.


Here’s what you’ll need: (Makes 4 bags)

4 Medium organza gift bags (you can find at the dollar store)

1 Piece of white felt

8 Googly eyes

Elmer’s glue

8 inches of string or yarn

Wax paper

*Optional pink paint for rosy cheeks

I did a quick search online for a tooth shape that I could print, cut and trace onto the felt. After I cut out my felt shape, I began adding the little face. Cut string into two inch pieces to start, then glue mouth and eyes to the felt. Allow to dry before applying to the bag. If you’d like cute little pink cheeks, dip a pencil eraser, small dowel, or the end of a paint brush  (whatever you have on hand) into the pink paint and apply at the ends of the smile.

Since you are working with a mesh fabric the glue is just going to seep through. Cut a small square of wax paper (small enough to fit inside the bag) to keep the glue from sealing the bag closed.

First, insert the wax paper into the bag.

Next, apply Elmer’s glue to the felt and apply to the bag. Wait a few minutes before pulling the wax paper out. Then hang the bag upside down over a pencil, chop stick, craft stick or whatever you have to allow to dry. Be sure the baggie is open and the glue is not touching the stick. Allow to try over night.

I made 4 at once so I can have one set per kid. I give my kid one empty bag to put her tooth in and place under her pillow. This way the tooth isn’t rolling around loose and I can find it quick. I fill the second bag with all her required coins and just swap out the bags once she falls asleep. We can reuse these for each lost tooth and I’m already ahead of the game for the next round.


I picked up chocolate coins at Party City (15 for $1.00) and a gold dollar coin at the bank. In fact, I picked up 10 so I can have back up! Once that first tooth falls out, the next is right behind it! Three weeks behind to be exact. We currently have both kids wiggling a tooth just waiting for their gold coins. Having twins means double the magic and double the tooth fairy money. So keeping some pre-filled bags between payouts means I won’t be caught off guard the night a tooth falls out.

My girl woke up to find this cute bag filled with coins under her pillow and was on cloud 9 the rest of the day. She told everyone we ran into how the tooth fairy left her coins in the middle of the night. For her it is a dream come true. I have to say that alone is pretty magical.


Do you go all out for the tooth fairy, or do you keep it simple?

The Whatever Mom is a full-time wife and twin mama living on coffee and wine. She enjoys the pure rush of cleaning the BIG potty between loads of laundry. It is her dream that moms everywhere accept and embrace the Whatever Mom philosophy which can be found here. You can also find her musings and popular shares on Facebook and Twitter. Stay up to date with her creative ideas and outings on Pinterest.